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How to Report an Absent Student

All schedule modifications need to be reported directly to attendance, using one of the options below, not to your student's classroom teacher. Schedule modifications include upcoming vacations, illnesses, appointments, tardiness, early pick-up or changes to student's end of day plans.    Call: 763.241.3555 
Parent Portal: Absence Request system through Infinite Campus.

  • Log in to the Parent Portal
  • Go to 'More' on the side bar menu
  • Select 'New Absence Request'

When reporting an absence or tardiness, please include the following information:

  • Student’s name with spelling
  • Date of absence
  • Reason for absence
  • Name of person reporting the absence

Please report student absences by 9am. Student absences that are not reported within 48 hours will be counted as unexcused absence, and cannot be changed. 

Does your student attend EdVenture Club? If so, please contact Community Education to report their absence as well, 763.241.3520.

Regular attendance is essential if students are to be successful in school. Chronic absences interrupt the education of your child. School personnel will make every effort to encourage regular attendance, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the students and their parents/guardians. The complete Attendance Policy is available for your review at your school and the District Office.

When a student is going to be absent or tardy, the parent/guardian is required to notify the school with the reason for the absence or tardiness so that it can be properly recorded. Please call before the start of the school day if your student will be absent or tardy for any reason. Any absence is considered unexcused until the school has been notified. A written note must be presented or a phone call must be made to the school office within 48 hours. If a note or call is not received during the allowed time, the absence will be considered unexcused. In order to make this process as convenient as possible, parents/guardians may use one of the following methods to notify the school when their student will be absent or tardy.


A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives within 90 minutes after the start of the school day.  

Our school day is 9:15am - 3:45pm. Students will not be permitted into the building before 8:30am. All students are expected to be in their classroom ready to learn by the final bell at 9:15am. If they arrive to their classroom after the 9:15am bell students are considered tardy to school.

Arriving at school after the start of the day, without valid excuse as determined by the principal, is considered an unexcused tardy and will affect the student’s attendance record. When a student accumulates five unexcused tardies, the tardies will be considered one unexcused absence. Each five unexcused tardies accumulated thereafter will result in an additional unexcused absence.

All Tardy students entering the building after 9:15am, need to report the office, accompanied by a parent/gaurdian to be signed in. 


  • A student is considered absent for half a day if he/she misses more than 90 minutes at the start or end of a school day.  
  • A student is considered absent for a full day if he/she misses four or more hours of the school day.  
  • A student is also considered absent for a full day if he/she arrives at school but is picked up within 90 minutes.

A doctor’s note will be required for absences that extend beyond three consecutive days or ten total absences due to medical reasons. If a doctor’s note is not provided within three days of the request, the absences will be considered unexcused.